A Blog for ISYS338 -- Information Technology in Global Society.


According to a “super-enthused” Bill Gates Windows 7 is apparently due “in the next year”. Surprising seeing as Vista hasn’t been out for terribly long.

A lot of people are naturally unhappy about this. They just got Vista and now they’re going to have to fork over money again next year for Windows 7? There have been a lot of complaints about Vista though to be fair there were a lot of complaints about XP when it first came out. The XP complaints were similar to the Vista complaints of now. Why switch from the familiar to an untested, prettier OZ?

Speculations! Bill Gates could just be talking about beta versions. Vista was a pretty big overhaul of the Windows OS, I don’t think Windows 7 will be another (but of course now that I’ve said so the ever changing world of information systems will probably prove me wrong if only just on principle). Windows 7 will likely be an extension of Vista, the way it should have been.

If I am wrong though and this is true it shows that Microsoft is probably not very committed to Vista. I haven’t switched to Vista yet but I think I’ll give it a pass (like I did WindowsME). I’m curious though, why the rush job on the next version of Windows? Appeasing shareholders supposedly is one reason but I hope that’s not it. And what’s going to happen to WinFS?

Facebook Apps That Are Crap


I remember when Facebook was the more professional alternative to MySpace. Where you needed a college email address in order to register. The days were simple, a wall, find people in the same class as you. Now I'm constantly being bitten by vampires, zombies, werewolves, super poked, challenged to movie/music quizzes by friends, put up for sale, etc.

Really, one day I'll find out what it is that possesses my friends to slather catastrophes of applications all over their profile page when all I'm probably interested in is their wall/status/club/classes/NORMAL STUFF EH?

Download Music from Your Friends' iTunes Libraries Over the Internet with Mojo.

Mojo is a free new application for Windows/Macs only that allows you to share any song in your iTunes library and download any song from your friend’s iTunes library over the internet. Your friends need to also have the application in order for you to get access to their iTunes library. What makes Mojo different is that not only do you get access to your friend’s music but you can also see his playlists, movies, tv shows, podcasts, audiobooks, and all the other good things that come along with iTunes. A perk is that Mojo detects songs that you already have.

Tried it for a bit on my Mac laptop (apparently the Windows version doesn’t support Internet sharing yet). Pretty nifty, especially for sharing music with college buddies at various schools (which happens to be what I tried it for). Online collaboration is a good thing otherwise.

A couple of things I’m not sure of is whether or not it works across platforms, how it handles DRM/purchased music (it appears red supposedly? And are not allowed). And of course, all the issues about illegal software/music/movies/etc. theft over the internet that was discussed in class comes up. And with this? You could be sticking a giant 8ft tall sign with blinking neon letters that read: “HEY RIAA, I’M OVER HERE” in your head. The debate on the issue of illegal P2P music sharing has always been big and around.

Another issue is that apparently your friends are able to browse and listen to your music without your permission sometimes, though it seems that restarting the program will pop up the “Do you accept this person?” dialogue. Of course, Mojo is in beta (for Windows at least) so problems aren’t surprising.

Anyway, I doubt I will be keeping this application because if I ever wanted access to my friend’s music library I simply need to send them an email/instant message/text and ask. AIM has a similar feature that allows your friends to connect to you and check out what’s in your library (which can be whatever folder you set it to). As for legal issues, just because the law can’t keep up with technology doesn’t mean that technology should (or will) stop advancing, coughRIAAcough.