A Blog for ISYS338 -- Information Technology in Global Society.

on Innovation

'Innovation In a Flash' Is a Myth
An anonymous reader writes:

"A New York Times article spells out what most of us probably already knew: real innovation takes lots of time and hard work to come to fruition."
-- from slashdot

The article looks at the origins of new ideas, and attempts to dispel the myth behind that suddenly hopping out of bed in the middle of the night ah-ha! moment.

Innovation always involves using stuff other people have made. To focus on that one light bulb suddenly going off is missing the point. No one suddenly creates changes, the process is always incremental. Everything is the result of a gathering collection of other things come together.

For example, in order to get an iPod, Apple needed someone to create .mp3s and mp3 players. In order to get mp3s we had to have mpeg-1's and on the list goes.